I put back on my Trendy and Affordable Vintage Cat Eye Sunglasses Online to hide my embarrassment as Molly checked to see if it was an authentic Hermes Birkin bag. But she soon gave up when she realized her efforts were futile. She couldn't dispute the fact that Shauna's Birkin Bag was "mostly likely authentic". I got that confirmation when she finally said, "Geez. Wish I had one." Shauna put on her Trendy and Affordable Vintage Cat Eye Sunglasses Online and walked out the shop triumphantly with a large orange Hermes shopping bag in one hand and her new high quality replica Birkin Bag in the other. Shaun and I stopped at a cafe on 72nd St. to have a coffee while the rest of the girls hopped in a cab for downtown. "Well, well, well," I said, clapping. You pulled it off. I took off my Trendy and Affordable Vintage Cat Eye Sunglasses Online and set them on the table. Shauna took off her own Trendy and Affordable Vintage Cat Eye Sunglasses Online and set them on the table and mock bowed.
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