As I stood up, clutching my Kourtney Kardashian Cat Eye Sunglasses, Eric didn't budge an inch. He stood there, looking down at me, with a stone cold serious faces. I clutched my Kourtney Kardashian Cat Eye Sunglasses that they nearly broke. And I pulled my towel around even tighter. Eric looked down at me, seemingly transfixed. His body was so close to mine that I had to back away my body by standing on tip-toe. He kept staring down at me and soon and I couldn't look away. My Kourtney Kardashian Cat Eye Sunglasses dropped from my hands and my towel started slipping. My towel soon completely slipped off and Eric quickly caught it. He brought it over my head and slid it around my back. Using the towel, he pulled my body closer to his. Soon, my naked body was touching his... and well, I was pretty much standing there naked. Jesse stumbled into the kitchen, drunk. "Already, bro?!?!" Eric knowingly smirked at me and bent over to pick up my Kourtney Kardashian Cat Eye Sunglasses.
Find out where to buy Retro and Vintage Sunglasses. Retro and Vintage sunglasses are always in style. Celebrities love to wear Retro Sunglasses and Vintage Sunglasses as well. But we will show you where to buy cheap and affordable Retro and Vintage Sunglasses. Not to mention, all of the Retro Sunglasses and Vintage Sunglasses we show you will be trendy sunglasses, too!
Friday, July 4, 2014
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Fake Gold Nastasya Cat Eye Sunglasses
I grabbed my makeup case and some of my clothes and headed for the kitchen. Everyone had crowded into our suite and I seriously just wanted some place to change my clothes discreetly I put my red and pink striped Victoria's Secret makeup pouch on the counter. "Eric!" I heard Shauna call out. Eric, by that time, had dragged the ironing board toward the suite door where it was less crowded and more quiet. There was a full-on party in our suite living room. "Eric, bring Jessie this drink?" I literally froze in the kitchen. I pulled my towel tighter around my body. I heard Eric let out an annoyed sigh. He appeared behind me in a few second. I was nervous and knocked my makeup pouch to the floor. My Fake Gold Nastasya Cat Eye Sunglasses fell onto the floor. Eric bent over me to pick them up. When he did, his bare chest brushed against my right shoulder blade. I could have died. He seemed took his time as we both stood up, my back facing him. My body cradled into his. He handed me my Fake Gold Nastasya Cat Eye Sunglasses.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Cheap Oversized Aviator Sunglasses
Soon, I heard more voices coming from our suite. Now it sounded like Jesse and Molly had joined the party. I peaked out the door and again saw my Cheap Oversized Aviator Sunglasses on the bed next to Eric's blouse. This time, Eric was standing in the middle of the room, shirtless. I could have melted. His upper body was well-defined. He was a dream! But I still couldn't forgive him for being.. not that he wanted my forgiveness, anyway. He dropped his cell phone on my bed, nearly hitting my Cheap Oversized Aviator Sunglasses. I got angrier. Meanwhile, Jesse, Molly, and Shauna were whooping and hollering while Molly poured a very large bottle of what looked like Dom Perignon. I took a deep breath and emerged from the bathroom, wearing my towel. If only I had taken my clothes in with me! "Hey, hot body!" Molly yelled. She was nearly drunk. Eric tried to avoided my eyes but I noticed them darting my way now and then. "Total hot body!" Jesse joined in. I grabbed my Cheap Oversized Aviator Sunglasses off the bed and headed for the closet as fast as I could. "Hey! Don't you want a drink??" Shauna yelled after me.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Oversized Green and Blue Mirrored Aviator Sunglasses
By the time we finished shopping, it was night-fall on the island. I popped on my Oversized Green and Blue Mirrored Aviator Sunglasses and we all went back to the hotel. I noticed 2 large black Yukons waiting outside our hotel. Molly, and I shared a suite together. When we got to the room, I dropped my Oversized Green and Blue Mirrored Aviator Sunglasses on the bed and began undressing, We heard a knock at the door so I flew to the bathroom. Shauna answered. Though the crack in the door, I heard a low voice, "Um... Molly took our ironing..... Mind if I use yours?" Eric stuttered from the hallway. "Why, of coourse you can use our iron!" Shauna enthusiastically. She was obviously playing games with me. I tried to stay in the bathroom for as long as I could. Even when I turned off the water, I could hear Shauna trying to make conversation with him. I slowly opened the bathroom door and peaked out into the suite. Eric's white blouse was on the bed, its collar touching my Oversized Green and Blue Mirrored Aviator Sunglasses.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Cheap Round Trendy Sunglasses
I stepped out of the fitting room in the Alice and Olivia dress, with my eyes cast down. Molly came up to me and said, "That dress is amazing on you! What size are you?" I mumbled, "Four," and stepped up to the mirror. When I looked up, I noticed that the ladies were murmuring comments of approval and they watched me model the dress. Even Carolyn took off her Cheap Round Trendy Sunglasses and nodded in approval. A few of the husbands were in the back ogling my legs. I began to feel a little more confident. Carolyn put back on her Cheap Round Trendy Sunglasses and nudged her husband in the ribs. A few guys laughed. And then I noticed Eric even further in the back, craning his neck to the side to get a better look at me. I got angry, thinking about how he snubbed me back at the airport. Shauna would say, "Looking good is the best revenge." So I took advantage of the moment and pulled at the fabric, pretending as if I were molding it to my body. Carolyn took off her Cheap Round Trendy Sunglasses and called out, "Hun, you don't have to do a thing to that dress! It was made for you!"
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Shopping for Cheap Vintage Sunglasses Online
Before closing the door, I bent down to pick up my Cheap Vintage Sunglasses. When I stood up, I noticed Eric staring at my through the opening. I froze like a deer in headlights wearing a black lace Cosa Bella thong and panty set.... oh crap. I dropped the Cheap Vintage Sunglasses. Shauna picked them up and closed the door. "Come on. You don't want everyone to see you naked," she scolded. "Oh, that's rich!" I said snatching the Cheap Vintage Sunglasses back from her. "You should have knocked first!" Shauna ignored me and asked, "Did you try on the dress?" I sighed and finished pulling the dress up. Shauna zipped up the back for me. But at that moment, all I wanted to do was put pack on my Cheap Vintage Sunglasses and hide under the fitting room chair. Shauna was hogging the mirror so I opened the fitting room door slowly and stepped outside. Some of the ladies were prancing in front of the outer fitting room mirrors, modeling clothes. I kept my eyes to the floor so as to avoid Eric's eyes.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Where to Buy Cheap and Trendy Sunglasses
When we reached the shore, the ladies threw on their fashionable caftans and we all headed for a nearby boutique for some quick shopping. The guys hung out a cafe across the street and a few stayed with us. I quickly headed for a nearby fitting room to check my appearance. My level of self-consciousness was at an all-time high now that I was surrounded by all these men. I quickly locked the door, pulled up my Cheap and Trendy Sunglasses, and checked my eyes. Then I heard Shauna's voice in front of my dressing room. And Alice and Olivia peplum hem dress was slung over the door. "You have to try to this on, hun. It is so you!" I sighed and placed my Cheap and Trendy Sunglasses on the fitting room chair. I slipped out of my jeans and tank and started to step into the Alice and Olivia dress when the Shauna opened the door. "Hey, do you think this is too much cleavage?" She posed for me in a bright orange chiffon Oscar de la Renta halter gown. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside, accidentally knocking my Cheap and Trendy Sunglasses to the floor.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Cheap Half Lens Cut Off Cat Eye Sunglasses
We arrived in the South of France nearly 10 hours later. I stepped off the plane and felt more relaxed. I was immediately relieved to be out of the clogged up, polluted city. So happy to be away from my boss and all the other pressures of working 9 to 5. I took off my Cheap Half Lens Cut Off Cat Eye Sunglasses and felt the sunshine beaming down on my face. At the corner of my eye, I thought I saw Eric's head turned toward me but didn't bother looking his way, lest he think I wanted to look at him. After we landed, we were whisked into a speed boat and raced off toward another island. I lounged back and secretly watched everyone through my Cheap Half Lens Cut Off Cat Eye Sunglasses. Some of the ladies quickly changed into their bikins and went on deck to lounge in the sun and show off their bodies. I shifted uncomfortably, wondering if everyone noticed the fact that I chose to keep my clothes on.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Cheap Designer Inspired Oversized Cat Eye Sunglasses
It was soon time to board our plane and I dreaded the idea of sitting next to Eric. He seemed not to notice me at all. He actually kept to himself and didn't talk to anyone really. I watched everyone closely through my Cheap Designer Inspired Oversized Cat Eye Sunglasses. I was enjoying the near anonymity of wearing my sunnies. I chatted from time to time with Molly while we were on the plane. She sat in a seat in the aisle across from me. On the surface, Molly seemed sketchy... slightly untrustworthy but I was learning that she was actually a thoughtful, sincere, and even sometimes talkative person. She told me that a lot of people were put off by her because her relaxed expression was sometimes mean. She told me this was because she was always skeptical of people's characters. I wanted to tell her that people thought the same about her but didn't have the courage to say so. We sat next to each other the whole plain ride, chatting with each other and laughing with our Cheap Designer Inspired Oversized Cat Eye Sunglasses on.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Trendy Cheap Vintage Sunglasses

Saturday, June 14, 2014
Cheap Trendy Retro Hipster Sunglasses
This was my introduction to Eric Williams. I shifted in my sit so that my back was facing him as he gave Molly a hug. As he passed me, I put back on my Cheap Trendy Retro Hipster Sunglasses. He exchanged pleasantries with all the other people in our crew. I heard Shauna gush over his watch in the background while I opened my iPhone. Then I heard footsteps scuffle behind me and realized that they were coming my way. I adjusted the Cheap Trendy Retro Hipster Sunglasses on my face, pretending not to hear them coming and buried my head in my iPhone. "Jesse dear, has anyone introduced you to Eric?" I took off my Cheap Trendy Retro Hipster Sunglasses, stood up, and put my best foot forward. I was resolved to be polite to him no matter how much of a turd he was being toward me...
Friday, June 13, 2014
Cheap Gold Hipster Nerd Glasses with Clear Lenses
After Intermix, Shauna and I went back to work and then went home for some much needed rest for the next day's flight. The next morning, I wore a black Alexander Wang tank and white 7 for all Mankind skinny jeans with Cheap Gold Hipster Nerd Glasses with Clear Lenses. When I got to the airport, everyone was there waiting for me. Shauna was already in a corner, cozying up to Jessie McPherson. I could see why. Jessie was wearing a plaid button shirt, rolled up to his muscular biceps and a gigantic silver Rolex. He was also wearing white suede Bally driver's loafers. I was leaning in for a closer look when a heavy black duffle bag dropped down near my feet and startled me. I looked up to find an incredibly handsome man, looking around nonchalantly. He checked his watch and then sat down. I may as well have been invisible to him because he didn't say a word to me and immediately pulled out his iphone. I glared at him and put back on my Cheap Gold Hipster Nerd Glasses with Clear Lenses.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Rhinestone Embellished DIY Cat Eye Sunglasses
As Shauna and I tried on dresses in the fitting rooms, a sales girl offered us some Rhinestone Embellished DIY Cat Eye Sunglasses. Shauna tried them on and wore them as she tried on outfits. "Okay, so first, I think that Samuelson David, the hotel millionaire will be on board," Shauna said. Then she added, "He's single. I nodded and tried on her Rhinestone Embellished DIY Cat Eye Sunglasses. "And then," Shauna continued, "There's Mike Vorhees, the sports announcer from ESPN. He doesn't have as much money but I think he's single, too." I took off the Rhinestone Embellished DIY Cat Eye Sunglasses and tried on a ruffled Alice + Olivia camisole. "Finally, on the singles-guy list, there's Eric Williams and Jessie McPherson. Both single. However," Shauna continued. She tried on the Rhinestone Embellished DIY Cat Eye Sunglasses and twirled around in a matching MCQ sequined cocktail dress, "I have no idea how much money Eric Williams has but there's a lot of rumors about him either being super loaded or super broke... take your pick."
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Cheap Trendy Shades for the Summer
Inside Intermix, Shauna immediately went to the sale rack in the back of the store. With her Cheap Trendy Shades for the Summer on top of her head, she ducked in and out of racks, quickly pulling out Alice + Olivia, Milly, and DVF tops and dresses. I stood near the full-price racks at the from of the boutique, not sure what to pick out at all. I exhaled and took my Cheap Trendy Shades for the Summer and put them in my Proenza Schouler sling. I started going through the racks, pulling out the best and boldest prints they had. I found a few Karina Grimaldi maxi dresses that looked great for dinners. I met Shauna in the back by the fitting rooms. "Okay. Here's the deal," she said, wriggling herself into a fitted DVF midi dress. She put on her Cheap Trendy Shades for the Summer and cat-walked in front of the mirror. "I've got to give you a run-down of all the available men that are going on the trip." She took off her Cheap Trendy Shades for the Summer and stepped out of the DVF dress.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Cheap Vintage Tortoise Cat Eye Sunglasses
We were leaving for the south of France in less than a week and I realized I had nothing to wear! Shauna and I went on an emergency shopping trip on Thursday. "Okay!" she said excitedly when she met me at 1PM in the Flat Iron disctrict. "We've got just an hour to shop before we have to get back to work." I put my Cheap Vintage Tortoise Cat Eye Sunglasses on top of my head and glanced down at my watch. Shauna took off her own Cheap Vintage Tortoise Cat Eye Sunglasses and she scouted for our first boutique to hit. "Intermix!" she said, and pointed across the street. I trotted across 5th Ave in 4-inch Manolo Blahniks and body-contricting pencil skirt from Marni. Shauna was already on the sidewalk. I don't know how she does it. Shauna put back on her Cheap Vintage Tortoise Cat Eye Sunglasses, swung her Goyard Tote over her shoulder and sashayed into Intermix. I took off my Cheap Vintage Tortoise Cat Eye Sunglasses and looked at the fabulous selection of brightly colored dresses and ruffle tops they just brought in for Spring...
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Where to Buy Cheap Trendy Cat Eye Sunglasses
"Listen, loves," Carolyn went on before putting back on her Cheap Trendy Cat Eye Sunglasses. "You have to join me on our little trip to Cannes. It's going to be amazing. I'd love for both of you to come?" Carolyn adjusted the Cheap Trendy Cat Eye Sunglasses as she waited for my answer. I was speechless. Would it be paid for? As if reading my mind, Carolyn answered, "And of course, dear, there would be nothing for you to cover except your own plane ticket. The yacht is my husbands and he's got an inn with one of the island's owners so everything will be on them." I quickly said 'yes' when I saw Shauna uncomfortably play with the Cheap Trendy Cat Eye Sunglasses in her hand. "Great!" Carolyn exclaimed, putting back on her Cheap Trendy Cat Eye Sunglasses. "I know I juuust met you, but if you're a friend of Carolyn's, then you're great company!" I smiled sheepishly and muttered, "Thanks." Then Carolyn air-kissed us goodbye and behind us down 72nd street.
Monday, June 2, 2014
Tortoise Brown Oversized Cat Eye Sunglasses
We laughed a while longer at the whole fiasco and then got up to take a stroll around the neighbor. Shauna put back on her Tortoise Brown Oversized Cat Eye Sunglasses and picked up her brand new Hermes Birkin 40cm (high quality replica) and proudly carried it down the block. As we neared the middle of the block, Shauna spotted a woman wearing a brightly colored pink and white pinkted Lily Pulitzer dress and also wearing Tortoise Brown Oversized Cat Eye Sunglasses. "Okay. Shauna time," Shauna said in a low voice under her breath. As the woman neared, she smiled and called out, "Shauna? I thought that was you!" The two air-kissed and both took off their Tortoise Brown Oversized Cat Eye Sunglasse. "Carolyn, it's so nice to see you! Shauna gushed... What... the hell. The must be someone important because Shauna was acting like a silly school girl. Shauna introduced me and the two started talking. I stood there board and watched Shauna excitedly swing her Tortoise Brown Oversized Cat Eye Sunglasses from side to side in her hand as she talked.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Trendy Black Oversized Sunglasses for under $15
Shauna laughed and put back on her Trendy Black Oversized Sunglasses for under $15. The waiter came over and took our order. We both ordered cappuccinos with croissants. "I just can't believe it!" I exclaimed, pushing my Trendy Black Oversized Sunglasses for under $15 to the side and the waiter brought over our food and drinks. "Well," Shauna said, biting into her croissant, "Anyone would have to believe it after watching me buy the thing in store!" Shauna laughed and I nodded in agreement. I looked at Shauna's beautiful togo leather Hermes Birkin Bag 40cm with silver hardware on the ground next to her. Is was absolutely stunning and very hard to believe that it was a high qualuty replica. Shauna adjusted the Trendy Black Oversized Sunglasses for under $15 on her face as she lifted her coffee mug to her face. "I know Molly was fishing for information about my Louis Vuitton Alma." I chuckled. "Yes!" I said. "But I didn't give up the goods. Don't worry."
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Trendy and Affordable Vintage Cat Eye Sunglasses Online
I put back on my Trendy and Affordable Vintage Cat Eye Sunglasses Online to hide my embarrassment as Molly checked to see if it was an authentic Hermes Birkin bag. But she soon gave up when she realized her efforts were futile. She couldn't dispute the fact that Shauna's Birkin Bag was "mostly likely authentic". I got that confirmation when she finally said, "Geez. Wish I had one." Shauna put on her Trendy and Affordable Vintage Cat Eye Sunglasses Online and walked out the shop triumphantly with a large orange Hermes shopping bag in one hand and her new high quality replica Birkin Bag in the other. Shaun and I stopped at a cafe on 72nd St. to have a coffee while the rest of the girls hopped in a cab for downtown. "Well, well, well," I said, clapping. You pulled it off. I took off my Trendy and Affordable Vintage Cat Eye Sunglasses Online and set them on the table. Shauna took off her own Trendy and Affordable Vintage Cat Eye Sunglasses Online and set them on the table and mock bowed.
Friday, May 30, 2014
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